Autumn is probably the most beautiful of seasons. Of course, every season is beautiful in its own way, but the colours of autumn, especially a sunny and warm one like ours, are simply enchanting.
During one of our rare walks, I collected a bunch of natural objects fallen from the trees - leaves, seeds, twigs, galls, acorns, conkers - and topped it up by som snail shells and other nice things from the garden.
Do you remember when you were little and used to make little animals and people out of conkers and matches? We did it almost every year - I remember lots of hedgehogs, some people and even a giraffe with a long stick for a neck. After many many years, I tried it again and it was even more fun, as I could use all the sharp instruments myself!
A hedgehog |
A dog with a gall for a head |
An ant |
A man with a snail-shell hat |
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