23 July 2015

Summer Is Here!

Summer has been here for quite some time, of course, but now with the end of academic year, the proper summer begins for me. It was tough saying goodbye to all the lovely people who helped me and took care of me for the whole past year (unstoppable facial waterworks) but missing my old job was fairly quickly replaced by freaking out about my new job in September. I guess I just have to prepare a bit, read lots and practice letting go a bit.

However, I am really happy that I will get to spend some time with my family here, travel back to m homelands and spend some time with my friends and family there. The time here will be pretty amazing as well, as the weather is lovely and the garden is growing and looking quite nice. Lots of teeny tiny harvests are happening now, like the following.

Red Duke of York potatoes

Above are the Red Duke of York potatoes, which I harvested last week. They are a lovely colour. There are still some in the soil, but I did not want to disturb the roots of maincrop potatoes which are nearby, so I will get them all together.

Climbing peas "Alderman"
Growing peas has been very difficult this year, first becase of too much water, then because of too little of it. However, there are a couple of tasty pods every now and then, which makes me really happy.

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