11 December 2014

My First Attempts at Growing Garlic

Getting back home in the dark hours every single day has really bitten of a huge chunk of my gardening time. Almost all of it, really. However, when I rushed home from my weekend job this Sunday, I managed to get just enough gardening time to plant some garlic. Finally! I've been waiting for this for over a month.

Left: "Casablanca"   ;    Right: "Early Purple Wight"

I planted two bulbs of "Casablanca" into three lovely rows of cloves near the shed where the potatoes used to be (I managed to find one more potato) and one huge bulb of "Early Purple Wight" which also amounted to three rows of big fat deliciously smelling cloves. Now all of them are resing in the ground quietly until their time comes in the spring.

Even in the biting cold, this little bit of gardening brought me a lot of joy. The touch of the soin, the delicious smell of garlic bulbs being broken in my hands and the look of the garden, slowly falling asleep as the winter is creeping over it made me realize how lucky I am to  witness it all.

This is the first year I attempted planting garlic. I am hoping that with some advice from friends and lots of research on the internet, I can be successful.I am already looking forward to spring and summer and autumn, when I get to use the products of my gardening efforts and lookking forward to putting the fresh cloves into all sorts of delicious dishes. Yum yum.

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