07 May 2012

Rhubarb and Chocolate

My favourite cake, it is very simple and one of the first cakes that I learnt how to make. It is one of those "cup" cakes, so no measuring and weighting ingredients, which is really great and useful when you live in a dorm without a proper kitchen :))


3 cups of flour (all-purpose)
1 and half cup of sugar (either caster sugar or powdered sugar)
1 cup of vegetable oil
3 eggs (with really small cups you could use two) 
baking powder (here they come in packs of 12g - I tried to make one in the UK with one little spoon of the UK baking powder and it was an absolute fail, so if you are in the UK, definitely use more)
some milk to make it runny enough to pour into the baking tray

and finally - whatever you want to put on the top! This time I found som rhubarb leftovers at the supermarket and mixed them with chocolate, but peaches, strawberries and plums are my favourites as well.

Pour it into a deep baking tray and bake on 180°C until the top is golden-brown.
You can also mix cocoa into the mixture or its part to make a two-coloured cake. I also tried to use little cups for cupcakes with this mixture, in which case maybe use more baking powder, but they are great. Go experimenting, it is great fun (and yummy!!)

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