30 July 2012

Homecoming present from the neighbourhood

The first time I came to spend the night at the new apartment did not start greatly, but eventually I managed to take my computer and a backpack filled with pillow and blanket ready to spent the first night at my new home. The weather was incredibly hot and I couldn’t wait to be indoors. I walked from the bus stop, around the lawns and under a walnut tree and around the recycling rubbish bins... and there it was standing. Someone put it on the pavement next to the glass bin.
A white porcellain jug with blue flowers on it, nice, shiny and completely undamaged. I decided to drop my things at home and come straight back to pick it up. And so I did. It is mine now and although it does not necessarily match the interior of my room, maybe one day it will find its place at my parents' place or somewhere else, but any place is better than a rubbish bin.

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