10 March 2013


In summer 2011, the charity that I worked for became a supporter of Prague Pride festival and walk. I did not walk, but I stood by out stand in the city centre and watched all the crowds gather and walk past me, waving (maybe a bit too enthusiastically) a little rainbow flag (apparently, I was caught on camera by some of the Czech TV stations - I did not watch the programme myself, even though it was posted on my Facebook wall by my friends repeatedly - I must seem crazy enough to the world even without waving around a piece of rainbow cloth on a stick). Anyway, I think that was the day I heard most opinions about gay people and met the nicest people of same-sex orientation and it was a great summer day. Just to say, a Mum carrying a board that says "I love my lesbian daughter" speaks for everything.

To be able to buy these friendship bracelets, have a look at their Etsy listings: striped FB, FB with squares, FB with vertical stripes

So, full of new thrill and opinions, I came home and started getting ideas and had to buy some pride-coloured threads and started weaving these. The middle one has been finished for quite some time, but I only finished the other two a few days ago. They have waited in the box for a long time, now it's their time in my Etsy shop!

And if you want to experience it yourself, this year's Prague Pride will be in August!!

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