22 August 2013

Elderflower Goodness

It's been some time since I went foraging for elderflower. I did write about the trip, but I didn't write about what I did with the flowers.

There is a lot of things that can be done with flowers and berries of elder tree. My first goal was to make fried flowers. Dipping the flowers in ordinary pancake mixture was great fun. Also having something so unusual and with stems on my plate was quite enjoyable. : )
The idea of eating flowers is somehow romantic, however, it was one of those meals that keep coming back, so even the following evening my burps tasted of elderflower (which is not so romantic). But as a little dessert it was fine :)

The other thing I wanted to learn how to do was elderflower juice or syrup or lemonade. My Hungarian Grandmother kept making this when she was younger and I remember I loved it very much. I roughly followed the recipe by foodlover.cz - basically some water, flowers in it, lots of sugar, some lemon juice and citric acid. It came out as a jug of something between lemonade and syrup and it was delicious. It lasted in the fridge for over a week.

I do not know where I'll be next year, but if I can find some elder, I will make these delicious things again.

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