06 April 2014

Pink Spring

The landlords have gone for the weekend, so I had a quiet little time to explore the beauties of their garden this Friday afternoon, after I threw my backpack down not to be picked up until Sunday morning (which is now, eeek! ). Everything is alive, everything blossoms. There are tulips, daffodils and a lot of very fragrant hyacinths, mostly in pink colour. We know these mostly as pot plants, but they benefit from being in the garden soil so much. Well, any bulb plant does. Snails have also come out and the blackbirds are back and even louder than before.


  1. Haha! The garden was yours all yours * evil laugh!* I love that calm feeling of wandering and really looking at the details of my environment. Lovely photos x

    1. I love it too. Sometimes I just sit down and listen to the birds and leaves and look at tiny things and then even the ordinary dandelions look amazing and magnificent :)


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