11 April 2015


This Easter holiday has been exceptionally good.When else do you get to eat chocolate eggs and Easter biscuits for breakfast?

I even got to painting some of my blown eggs. The food colouring and wax process did not work well, so I used acrylic paint to do the job. Next year I will know what to do and what not to do and probably choose some better colours. By the way, I have been getting a lot of inspiration from spending ages by staring at Elspeth McLean's painted mandala rocks. See how bad I am compared to her?? :)

 I made this bunny out of my new acrylic yarns to guard my Easter eggs. It took me very VERY long time to finish him, but he is here. And he is staying with me :)

We visited a little farm near Guildford and purchased some gorgeous goose eggs and made an omelette. That colour is simply gorgeous, don't you think so?

The garden got a lot of my attention, but the most beautiful flowers just sprouted on their own without my help.

Now I am experiencing a classic dark and rainy English day, warm tea and crocheting a very colourful blanket that I started in summer. At least the garden is getting watered.

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