15 March 2016

Spring Thoughts

Hello again. It has been such a long time since I have been in touch with my blog that I almost feel ashamed of myself.

Having started teaching, my days are full of work and social interaction and there simply isn't enough time for blogging. But there are a few blog posts which have been lurking in the back of my mind, pushed into a little dark corner by all those thought of lesson planning, photocopying, seating plans and effective behaviour management (I am sure all the teachers who read this know what I mean).

Time to spend with the family and fiancĂ© has been scarce, but that only made it more valuable. We watch TV, have cups of tea, do the washing up for each other, go for breakfast on Saturdays and this weekend we took our first spring walk in the park. Things are becoming sunny and lovely and pretty again.


  1. Such pretty flowers! Balancing time for blogging is something a lot of us seem to struggle with. It's caused me to shorten my posts over time, which I don't think it a bad thing.
    Spring is arriving for you - and here I am rejoicing that Autumn is blowing in!

    Sarah x

    1. Hello Sarah, so nice to see you comment!! :) Spring is a beautiful season indeed, everything is growing, birds are singing and we are currently experiencing the well known crazy April showers. I will keep following your blog to see how your Autumn is going ;)


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