15 January 2012

Filling the "Friendship bracelets" section

I am always very envious of those Etsy sellers who have lots of sales. I would love to wake up every morning and see that more money has come to my PayPal account, to pack my orders every night and make a trip to the post office twice a week, but right now, I can only wish for it.
However, I am aware of the fact that this is entirely my fault and therefore I decided to give myself a little job to do this weekend - to take photographs of those bracelets that I have made, but have not listed yet.
Well, what can be more wonderful than sitting at home all weekend, drinking hot green tea, eating lasagna, baking apple crumble pie and taking photos of friendship bracelets while listening to Anne of the Green Gables on TV?
I had a great time and the "Friendship bracelets" section is getting full nicely, which makes me feel very good :)

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