19 December 2012

Getting into the Christmas mood

When I said that I want to have all the presents bought long before Christmas and then just sit at home and bake and sip hot tea, I didn't really think about all the work- and uni-related stress that was about to come. Things need to get done before everyone leaves and people started to stress. The post offices are full, shops are crowded, people worry about not having the presents yet, about messy homes, not having baked yet... And it sometimes makes me wonder why is Christmas still considered to be a holiday of joy and peace, when eighty per cent of the people that I encounter daily are not happy nor peaceful.

So right now, as most of work is finished, I decided to spend more time at home, tidy up, bake and decorate a bit. I do not have a tree this year, but I have put the lights up about a month ago and I hung all my pretty cards on a string above my desk. A few Christmas cards have come in the post and I believe I might be getting some more during the holidays, so I will have a nice display eventually.


  1. We put our cards on the woodwork above the doorways in our dining room. I always feel like it's a little temporary art gallery just for the holidays.

  2. I saw many people do something similar. But I never got as many cards as that one year that I spent in England. We still have them all and my Mum makes a display of them on my piano every year.


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