09 March 2014

Birthday Surprise in Beaconsfield

I experienced the first ray of spring sun this year in the UK. It was a nice sunny Monday and I was acompanying my man on a way to a piano tuning to Beaconsfield. Having done some research and printed out a map, I went for a long long walk. Thanks to my great sense of orientation (and the fact that the man dropped me off at a totally unplanned spot), it only took me two hours to find the church that I saw on Wikipedia :)

St Mary and All Saints Church is a wonderful place, especially when enlightened by the sun. I walked around it several times, observing the beautiful architecture, the graveyard with tombstones covered in lichen and moss, so abundant in England :)

 For a while, I rested in a little corner nicely called The Garden of Rememberance. It made me think of all the people who are gone and awoke many happy and heartwarming memories. 

The town itself was nice and the walk was very pleasant. For me, everything in England is different and new and exciting and cute, because it is simply so completely different from what we have here in Central Europe.

Eventually, cold to the bone, I anchored myself in a very pleasant restaurant called  The Royal Saracen's Head. I started with an absolutely delicious cappuccino served witha  cookie and sugar lumps (how thoughtful!) and then when my man caught up with me, we continued with a roast lunch made up of a whole roast chicken, Yorkshire puddings, potatoes, cooked vegetables and various sauces. 

However, none of these things were the best part of the day. My gorgeous boyfriend arranged a super secret meeting with my friend Emily, whom I have not seen for eight years! (And her husband whom I have never met.) We had a great time drinking tea together and talking about all the big changes that being grown-up and having actual jobs brought into our lives. 

All in all, spring is a happy season and sunshine is good, but friends are the nicest flowers and warmest sunrays a person can have. :-*


  1. I love all the pictures, It looks like a lovely walk! I love wandering around and discovering new and interesting things to see. 'The Garden of Remembrance' is such a beautiful name. I like the Crocus picture too. They just started blooming in my front yard and it makes me happy because Spring is on it's way!

    1. Isnt it great? I love spring, it is already light when I go to work, it feels pretty nice :)


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