09 March 2014

Returning Home

Every time I come home from visiting my man in England, I get very mixed feelings. Sometimes I feel like I am living in two different worlds - one is the sunny Czech world full of work and some friends, the other one is the rainy English one, full of friends and fun and exciting stuff and spending way too much money and gardening and doing whatever I please. It is hard to leave the cosy house with a man who brings breakfast to bed and go fend for myself again. So I try to concentrate on the nice little details. Being at home. Coming to a clean room. Unpacking and putting things into order and where they belong. Seeing that the orchid flower has open. Making more sock yarn. Having coffee and a waffle at Starbucks. And other little things like that.


  1. Look at you and all your gorgeous houseplants! I am only great at killing them. So have you got a date to return to England and your man?? We all need something to look forward to and that garden needs you too! There's many a Starbucks in the UK.... :)

    1. Thank you, I am glad you like them :) So far the windowsill is my garden here. I will be going to the UK in July.


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